Keep your yard pest-free while keeping your people and pets safe.

Eliminate bugs
This all-organic treatment keeps insects like mosquitoes, wasps, hornets, fleas, ants, ticks and spiders from getting into your home and away from you outdoor property. Many other nuisance pests will be repelled and controlled by Galahad Armor Guard making this treatment even more beneficial.

Completely safe
Galahad Armor Guard is completely safe when it comes to children and pets. Camelot’s insect control treatment will not harm bees. Again, there are no pesticides and it’s 100 percent organic — just like our lawn care.

Stain and odor-free
Camelot’s non-staining spray can be applied directly to home foundation walls, in addition to the beds and grasses that surround the perimeter of a home. There is no foul odor or lingering smell but rather a natural cedar scent. Also, organic materials will not leave residue on surfaces in or around your house.
Designed for families and the planet.
Enjoy the great outdoors without worrying about pests and critters ruining your good times.
The spring and summertime is primetime for bugs of all kinds and sizes to infiltrate your home and outdoor property. Our natural insect control plan will eliminate insects, pests and other pesky creatures, as well as prevent them from hanging around in the first place.