Let’s face it: some people want more privacy than others, and trees play a major role in the equation.

Some homeowners want trees to surround their property, blocking others from getting a glimpse of their backyard and providing some peace. Others want to create a natural barrier between themselves and their nosey neighbors. Others just want to create a more natural feel around their home, perfect for late afternoon shade or having friends and family over for a fun gathering.

Trees for privacy can be easy to grow and look appealing while still offering steady degrees of seclusion in the form of how they are planted. You can have thick plantings on property lines or near street level to stop wandering eyes, and you can choose how thick they are and how tall they can be.

Which Trees?

The Arborvitae has arguably been the most famous “privacy tree,” for decades, being utilized by people all over due to their green foliage, height and their lack of needing to be maintained. They can easily be planted together and form a big blockade between your property and anyone else.

The Leyland Cypress is another popular entry in the category, and maybe the most recognizable. Able to grow as high as 70 feet in some areas, this evergreen will grow 3 to 5 feet per year and provide uniformity and symmetry when it lines the outer edges of your property. It’s nearly impossible to see through this behemoth, which does require its hours of sunlight daily.

Other tree options that should be considered for privacy, based on size and visual appeal, include the Concolor Fir, Red Cedar, Dragon Lady Holly and Eastern White Pine.

Consider Diversity

Planting a variety of trees will decrease the chances of you losing all of your plants at once in the event of an insect or disease attack. Examples of this being Emerald Ash Borer, which kills unprotected ash, and Dutch Elm Disease, a fungal pathogen that’s devastated the elm population. We always recommend biodiversity in your landscape.

Certified Arborists Know Best

Call Camelot today to discuss different options for your privacy, visualizing what would look the best in your neck of the woods. Our experts can assess what would fit best in your landscape!